武正 秀治Hideji Takemasa
常勤講師/教授/学科長Full-time lecture/professor/
Head of Department
Product design refers to the design involved in the things around us that sustain our lives. In recent years, the field has covered not only product color and shape but additional aspects such as living spaces and society, which have been created as a result of the relationship between people and products.
The Product Design program brings students up to speed with these rapid changes and teaches various skills, from basic expertise with their hands, to the ability to view things pluralistically, the use of the latest digital equipment, and the communication skills necessary to function as a global citizen, these skills are nurtured, through active learning using the case method, to invest in the development of product designers with strong individuality who can bear responsibility for the future.
学科長 武正 秀治
Prof.Hideji Takemasa, Head of Product Department
The Product Design course features production assignments, as well as various internal events and external exhibitions and workshops. Students acquire expertise in design, communication and presentation throughout the program, which involves collaboration both with fellow students and with instructors, allowing them to enhance their own skills through these relationships.
学年間の隔たりを無くしたオープン型の教室をはじめ、最新の3DプリンターやUV プリンターを備えたPRODUCT LABORATORY、世界中から新素材が集まる CMTEL(シムテル)など、学生のあらゆるクリエイションに対応し、新たな想像力を生み出すための環境が整っています。
The production environment is well equipped to cater to student’s every product idea, enabling them to make full use of their imagination and creativity in the production process. In open-plan workspaces that aim to eliminate all divisions between student year groups, state-of-the-art technology, including the latest 3D printers,UV printers and Color,Materials and Trends Exploration Lab(CMTEL), is available, allowing students to apply cutting-edge materials from all over the world.
Departmental professors and instructors are design experts who have worked in the fields of home electronics, mobility, furniture, and miscellaneous goods, for international companies, including a number of designers who are still professionally active. Coaching is tailored towards students’ future career aims, giving them a grounding in design concepts specific to their target industry.
武正 秀治Hideji Takemasa
常勤講師/教授/学科長Full-time lecture/professor/
Head of Department
和田 達也Tatsuya Wada
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
安次富 隆Takashi Ashitomi
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
田中 秀樹Hideki Tanaka
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
中田 希佳Kiyoshi Nakata
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
大橋 由三子Yumiko Ohashi
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
濱田 芳治Yoshiharu Hamada
常勤講師/教授Full-time Lecturer/Professor
尾形 達Tatsu Ogata
常勤講師/准教授Full-time Lecture/Associate Professor
石井 洋二Yoji Ishii
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
磯野 梨影Rie Isono
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
岩崎 一郎Ichiro Iwasaki
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
上島 弘祥Kosho Ueshima
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
上野 隆文Takafumi Ueno
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
大島 陽Yo Oshima
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
春日亀 美智雄Michio Kasugame
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
佐々木 里史Satoshi Sasaki
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
ジェームス 薫 ビューリーJames Kaoru Bury
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
白須 慎之Noriyuki Shirasu
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
重野 貴Takashi Shigeno
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
鈴木 陽介Suzuki Yosuke
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
鶴見 雅之Masayuki Tsurumi
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
中島 一州Isshu Nakajima
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
信藤 洋二Yoji Nobutou
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
林 裕輔Yusuke Hayashi
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
原田 誠Harada Makoto
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
藤城 成貴Shigeki Fujishiro
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
山田 悦代Etsuyo Yamada
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
吉田 守孝Moritaka Yoshita
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
レジナルド コルデス マデスReginald Cortez Mathes
非常勤講師Part-time Lecturer
森田 留奈Runa Morita
川久保 奏羽Kanaha Kawakubo
佐藤 真優Mayu Sato
佐藤 翼Tsubasa Sato
コ キHu Qi
オウ ジミーWang Jimei
田遠 裕太Yuta Dendo
プロラボ職員Product Laboratory
尾崎 優理Yuri Ozaki
プロラボ職員Product Laboratory
鄭 岸為テイ ガンイ/Zheng Anwei