プロフェッショナルの現場と共に社会に通用するチカラを身につける 産学共同プロジェクトや公開プレゼンテーションでは、普段は接することのない国内外の様々な分野の企業とのコミュニケーションを通し、プロフェッショナルな現場からの実践的な指導や技術的サポートを受けながら、デザインスキルの向上をはじめ、自己や作品を魅力的に伝える力を養ったり、様々な条件下で求められる社会に通用する高いクオリティと革新的な提案を生み出し、社会からのフィードバックを受けることで個々の成長につなげていきます。
Each year the Product Design department hosts a symposium open to companies with in-house design teams.
Designers make presentations covering the effects of their own projects, their design thought processes and production methods, and the strong points of their product, and receive feedback and advice from the professional designers present. The event provides an excellent opportunity for encouraging students and for boosting their motivation.
The university-industry collaboration that this Product Design course embarked on, ahead of other courses, over twenty years ago, provides a project-based research opportunity in which industry, public organizations and universities work together on key social issues and implement the project’s results in society.
Based on the idea that synergy creates a more effective project, the Product Design department is actively working to create collaborations with Japanese, German and American companies, as well as trans-disciplinary programs.