Information regarding the Entrance Examination and the Curriculum Aims and overview for the first year of Product Design.
READ MOREプロダクトデザインとは、自動車や家電、情報通信機器、家具、スポーツ用品、玩具、化粧品、食品など、人々の生活を支えるあらゆるモノのデザインを指し、この専攻ではそうした分野で日本を代表する人材を数多く輩出しています。
Product design refers to design related to all sorts of things that sustain people’s daily lives, including automobiles, motorbikes, home appliances, audio equipment, cellular phones, furniture, shoes, bags, baby goods, musical instruments, games, sports gear, cosmetics, packages, etc. The design of such products requires in addition to studies related to form and function also expertise in production/manufacture, and diverse other knowledge.
READ MORE入学試験に関する情報や入学からの1年間の、プロダクトデザインを学ぶための基礎的なスキルの習得について紹介します。
Information regarding the Entrance Examination and the Curriculum Aims and overview for the first year of Product Design.
READ MORE2年次よりSTUDIO制による指導に入ります。活動領域に応じたプロフェッショナル育成のための教育について紹介します。
In the second year, students begin to learn under the STUDIO system. This is an introduction of education for the development of professionals according to the area of activity.
READ MORE幅広いキャリア形成の機会を実現するために、産学共同プロジェクトや公開プレゼンテーションなどのプロフェッショナルな現場を提供しています。
The mission of the undergraduate program in Product Design is to Build a diverse range of career paths. We offer a opportunities to work with professionals through Collaboration Project and Keynote Day.